Thursday, December 15, 2011

What I've been up to!

Well the day has finally come, and I have officially graduated with my BFA in Illustration at CCS! 
It's so exciting and bittersweet. I'm going to miss so many things, and great people, but I know this end is just the beginning to something even greater out there for me. Here are some of my final projects, senior wall set up, and other nonsense i've been up to.

Acrylic on canvas (4x5 feet): For sale:$450

 Baby mobile stars in progess

Ridiculous sketch for my senior wall display
Final senior wall set up

 Noel night set up

Tooth fairy piece. This triptych is a mix of old and new in response to the grim tale of the tooth-fairy, which is quite different from how we think of it today haha. They used to believe an evil woman would come and cast a spell on children when they lost there teeth, so parents used to burry a tooth in hopes to hide it instead of leaving it under a pillow for a surprise. 
Cap, gown, and tassel! :]

Friday, December 2, 2011

Noel night display

Heres a sneak peek of my Noel night products, and display, which was all hand made :]

Business cards with design punched out 

Packs of 5 cards for $10

Individual cards for $2.50

Ornaments on display tree

Ornaments are porcelain, with water transfers of my illustrations placed on them, coated with opal glitter and sealed with a triple thick shiny ceramic glaze. Individually wrapped with a ribbon bow, and business card.

Snow globe porcelain ornament $10
Reindeer porcelain ornament $10

Christmas cat porcelain ornament $10

Santa porcelain ornament $10

Dinosaur porcelain ornament $10


First piece for my triptik about the original tooth fairy tale.